Career Counseling

Choosing a career path is the most important decision of an individual’s life. Every one of us has gone through this difficult phase. However, at superb study abroad, we guide you and assist you in the selection of the right career for you.

Studying overseas is a big decision financially and emotionally for both, parents and the students. Whether you are a fresh 10 + 2 pass out or a fresh graduate with or without work experience, or a post-graduate, S.S.A has successful options for all. Experts at S.S.A help students in working on their career options after intense analysis of academics, the interest of the students, available financial recourses, chances of scholarships, particular location requirements.

At S.S.A, we make sure that all possible efforts are explored to guide students in the selection of their study program.

Services offered

Some of the services which we provide during career counseling may include:

  1. To Understand Student requirements :

    At S.S.A first we comprehend and then investigate the career requirement of the student. We provide the best support and assist students in organizing their opinions and ideas about career options.

  2. Selection of University :

    Students looking for pursuing diplomas, bachelor's, master or Ph.D. level studies abroad should select the universities having worldwide recognition and offering excellent education. At S.S.A, we help the student to take their final call on the selection of the right university or college.

  3. Admission Processing :

    At SSA, we assist our students in filling up the admission form, getting financials ready and all the documentation, and applying for the visa. The counselors at S.S.A help students at every step to make them realize their dream of studying abroad successfully.

  4. Visa Processing :

    Visa Processing and visa interview are essential parts to make a successful departure to an overseas university. The visa team at S.S.A is always updated with the latest requirement, immigration policies, and visa checklists. At S.S.A, we have a large database of possible visa interview questions for the student profile.

  5. Guidance to Manage Finances :

    At S.S.A, we also assist the students in arranging their finances. We make the student understand the entire system of the expenditure involved and suggest the various options available for the student.

  6. S.O.P Preparation :

    The real reason behind your decision for education abroad and the scope of your study area nationally and internationally and also to know your academic background. S.O.P (Statement of Purpose) is an admission or application essay needed for the student to apply for admissions in colleges/universities. At S.S.A, we assist in preparing SOP.

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